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Its hard enough to simply listen to Barney Frank talk without chuckling at the nasally whine that comes out of his mouth. Now, try doing it after you’ve read this compilation of speeches in Congress, mostly by Representative Frank. For several years Barney Frank has been resisting calls for Treasury to regulate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. But today, you find him on every tv station in America blaming thirty years of Republican attempts at deregulation.

Some Republicans are blaming this speech by Pelosi right before the vote as causing several Republicans to defect.

Personally, I’m more offended at Pelosi’s lame jokes, “I don’t know what was so great about the depression, but that’s the name they give it.”

Frank blamed the Republicans for getting hurt feelings.

“Frankly, that’s an accusation against my Republican colleagues I would never have thought of making,” Frank said.

“Here’s the story: There’s a terrible crisis affecting the American economy. We have come together on a bill to alleviate the crisis. And because somebody hurt their feelings they decide to punish the country. I mean, I would not have imputed that degree of pettiness and hypersensitivity….But think about this: Somebody hurt my feelings so I will punish the country. I mean, that’s hardly plausible. And there are 12 Republican members who were ready to stand up for the economic interests of America but not if anybody insulted them.

“I think they are covering up the embarrassment of not having the votes,” Frank said increduously at a Democratic news conference.

Read that last sentence again. Better yet, I’ll repeat it: “I think they are covering up the embarrassment of not having the votes,” Frank said increduously at a Democratic news conference.

Apparently Barney Frank has forgotten that the Democrats control the House. Speaker Pelosi, if she was even remotely capable of doing her job has the votes to pass any bill she wants.

Barney Frank must go. Speaker Pelosi must go.