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The Leaders We Deserve

Its hard enough to simply listen to Barney Frank talk without chuckling at the nasally whine that comes out of his mouth. Now, try doing it after you’ve read this compilation of speeches in Congress, mostly by Representative Frank. For several years Barney Frank...

Housing Part 3

To, continue the conversation…. Joe, like you I have an imperfect understanding of the situation. I don’t have an overall theory as to why things occurred as they did. Here’s a few factors that I think at least contributed… I think there was a...

The Mechanics of Campaigning

I’m new at this blogging thing and not real versed in politics. Often times this whole thing is a real learning experience for me. I thought I’d share one of the little items that I learned today on the back-room mechanics of politics and the media. Below...

Is Government Spending Really Out of Control?

Even prior to the financial crisis, it was not unusual for politicians and pundits to assert that government spending is out of control. That government just keeps growing and growing and growing. Did you ever wonder if it was true? Last year the U.S. GDP was $13.8...