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Iraqi Opinion Polls

The other day I posted a couple of polls comparing Iraqi and American public opinion. Those polls were just excerpts of a comprehensive poll of Iraqi’s conducted for ABC News, Interviews were conducted in person, in Arabic or Kurdish, among a random national...

Reagan and Appeasement

There’s been a fair amount of criticism of Obama lately by George Bush and John McCain, in what they are terming “appeasement.” As usual, I tend to fall somewhere between the two extremes. I feel a little bit like Homer Simpson when deciding whether...

Democrats and Our Enemies

By JOSEPH LIEBERMAN May 21, 2008 How did the Democratic Party get here? How did the party of Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy drift so far from the foreign policy and national security principles and policies that were at the core of its identity...

Two More Iraq Opinion Polls

Here are two more polls. One from Iraq, one from the United States, both regarding how long the United States should remain in Iraq. The wording of these two polls are not as similar as the one above. Comparisons are thus more difficult. One has outcome based choices....