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U.S. Public Schools: Pass or Fail?

The American psyche is prone to fits of paranoia and hysteria about our collective status in the world. Less than a decade into the massification of the internet, a feat brought about in no small part by American technology and genius, we are being inundated with...

Higher Education and Immigration

A reader writes: Brian, I don’t disagree with your analysis, and I don’t have any information to back me up on this, but I think the one thing that has Americans most concerned about the current state of education in this country is that I suspect our...

Chicago Public Schools: What Percent of Students Even Graduate?

During his campaign, Barack Obama alleged that only 70% of high school students graduate with a diploma. This astonished me so I dug further. Overall, I have a pretty positive view of the education system in this country. There is essentially no debating that the...