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Is VitaminWater Healthy?

My sister asked me to look into Glaceau VitaminWater for her. Before I started looking around I had some preconceived notions of what I would find. Water. Sugar. Calories. Claims of vitaminny goodness. What did I find? Pretty much what I expected. For a product that...

Change One Thing About Your Diet

This article details my personal philosophy on healthy living. If I had to boil my personal health philosophy down to a single phrase, it would be some variation of the following: In moderate amounts, eat a wide variety of natural food. And get off the couch once in a...

What Are The Health Benefits of Fermented Foods?

Eat More Fermented Foods I want to take a minute to talk about a food that our ancestors tended to eat a lot of, but which has fallen off the menu here in the United States: Sauerkraut. I want to talk about sauerkraut because Fermented foods do the body good....

Restricted Calorie Diets Can Extend Your Life

A lot of the topics that I address here at Newsburglar, such as eating calorie restricted diets, tend to be a bit extreme. I do this for a number of reasons, none of which is to cause you to go out and live the rest of your life on 1350 calories a day as some of these...