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Teenager Birth Rates by Age, Race, and Hispanic Origin: 1990 and 2006 (Birth rates per 1,000 women)

The teenage pregnancy rate among non-Hispanic White teenagers is extremely low. Its forty-one percent of the black rate and thirty-two percent of the Hispanic rate, even after accounting for the fact that black and Hispanic teen pregnancy rates have fallen forty-five percent and seventeen percent, respectively, over the last 16 years.

Race or Age 1990 2006
All races, total 59.9 41.9
15 to 17 years old 37.5 22.0
18 and 19 years old 88.6 73.0
Hispanic 100.3 83.0
Non-Hispanic White 42.5 26.6
Non-Hispanic Black 116.2 63.7


The number of abortions per year has fallen 24% between 1990 and 2004. It has fallen 35% among white women, and 11% among blacks.