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Higher Education and Immigration

A reader writes: Brian, I don’t disagree with your analysis, and I don’t have any information to back me up on this, but I think the one thing that has Americans most concerned about the current state of education in this country is that I suspect our...

Chicago Public Schools: What Percent of Students Even Graduate?

During his campaign, Barack Obama alleged that only 70% of high school students graduate with a diploma. This astonished me so I dug further. Overall, I have a pretty positive view of the education system in this country. There is essentially no debating that the...

Chicago Public Schools

CPS is the third largest public school system in the country. In June 2004, Mayor Richard Daley launched Renaissance 2010 in the city’s latest attempt to reform its schools. Before we can address the reforms instituted under Renaissance 2010, let’s look at...

The United States is the World’s Most Generous Country

The United States obviously plays a large economic, political and military role in the world today. But, do we also set the bar for international philanthropy (PDF)? Since 2002, the OECD and the U.N. Millennium Project have attempted to persuade developed nations to...

A Measure of Progress

I’m watching Star Trek right now, the original series. Usually that wouldn’t merit its own post. But the episode I”m watching is entitled Plato’s Stepchildren and it first aired on November 22, 1968. This episode is noteworthy for two reasons....