I found this the other day. Its an absolutely hilarious (and long) story about how a young guy in Arizona got back at a parking enforcement agency that booted his car. But beyond the hilarity, it really speaks to how the internet is altering our lives.
On one level it shows how the internet is able to simply, easily and cheaply disseminate information. Thousands and thousands of people have heard this guys story. The parking nazis of the world should be chastened.
But its also an incredible demonstration of how the nature of entertainment has changed over the last decade. In days past, we were beholden to the types of entertainment funded and created by large corporations and professional entertainers. Now, you are able to spend fifteen minutes being entertained and informed by content created by amateurs.
The internet continues to amaze me.
Granted this made me laugh. But come on! Where is taking responsibility for your actions and rules/law? Yes, the parking fee amount is absurb and the company went way to far. But so did the guy moving the car to avoid paying the $140 fee. That is what I think is wrong with people today. Yes, it would have made me mad, but it still is a rule/law in the complex.
It is amazing what people can do when something gets under their skin. It is kind of a silly situation, but it is good to see that the system continues to get tested. Whatever that system is.
What ever happened with this story?